
Sunday, September 23, 2012


There's a reoccurring theme that I'm seeing lately that (I believe) God is speaking to his people.  I don't know if it's just something he is constantly trying to remind me or if he really is speaking it to as many people as it seems?  Either way, he's gotten my attention.  With some personal things I'm dealing with in my own life and everything that is going on in our country right now, I feel like he's really centering his people to put their focus on him and him alone.  That nothing truly matters, but JESUS.  Nothing is more important that him.  In a world where he is trying to be taken out of literally everything, we have to really focus on the fact that it's all about him.  The reason we are breathing, the reason America exists, the reason we have life is because of him.  One day everything will make sense, but today I'm focusing on the fact that he loves me and has everything under control!

I love the way the Lord speaks to us.  He's very gentle and you may not even realize that it is him speaking and leading you until you look back.  I was facing a challenge with my younger son this week and sensed him leading me through it.  In the moment when I would usually start to panic or get worried, he reminded me of what faith is.  Faith is resting in the knowing that he is God and that he will do what he says.  A lot of times I think we think that faith is just praying and believing that he hears our prayers....but then we pray and nothing we pray again....and again....and again...and then we get worried and scared.  Instead of just resting.

1.  cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
2.  place hope, trust, or confidence on or in

 I'm not saying not to pray.  Of course pray!  He instructs us to "pray with out ceasing".  What I'm talking about is praying fervently, believe he is there and has heard your prayer (like a father), and REST in the waiting.  Like the verse says, just be still and know that he is God.

I don't know if you are a parent yet, but I am.  So I will tell you that one thing that if one of my sons needs something, I am going to do everything I can to get it for him.  If he is sick or hurt, I will help him.  There is no "maybe" in my response.  I believe it's the same with our Heavenly Father.  If we are hurting, sick or are in need, he will respond.  It just may not be in the way or time we want it.  We just have to trust him (rest) and seek him through that time in our lives.  Just like a child we want things now.  My boys will ask me for all kinds of things, but sometimes they just can't have what they want at that exact moment.  So, I say, " Wait...I will do it, but now's not the time".  Since they are children they continue to ask, many times, and my answer is still the same.  Then, when the time is right, I'm there to give them what they were asking for.  Then, I tell them, "See.  I told you that I was going to do it and I did. You just needed to wait.  Mommy will always do what she says she's going to do, but you just have to be patient.".   I don't know why God has us wait sometimes and other times he performs instant miracles.  The only answer I have is because he is God and he knows what is best for us in that moment.  Ultimately, I want him to be glorified!  If that means I have to wait a little longer for a miracle, so be it.  In the mean time, I will REST...I will BE STILL ...and I will WORSHIP him like never before!  He is my God and everything in this world belongs to him.  It's all about him :)

If you are facing a tough situation, continue to pray, but instead of praying and then worrying, pray, believe, rest, trust, worship and love him.  Just like with my boys, I never left them.  I was right there with them in the waiting.  He is with you in your waiting :)spotify:track:56RoIFalf4p411CeMbsoyM

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Isaac and a Sick Dinoboy

Overnight, Hurricane Isaac arrived here in our area.  Which probably caused our two boys to come creeping in our room last night.  Dinoboy scared the MESS out of us! He came in quietly, and tapped me on the arm to wake me up.  He was back-lit by the window and pretty much looked like a tiny monster (LOL)!  It was funny because right when I was telling him that he shouldn't scare me like that the hubby woke up and was startled by him too!  It was hilarious, but it was also 1:45am, which was not funny.  I couldn't get back to sleep until almost 3:00AM!  Then, Dinoboy woke me up again.  He wasn't feeling well this time and I gave him some medicine.

So, today we had a late start.  The hubby was home this morning so we slowly got our day started.  Which was much welcomed due to the events of early in the morning!  I was already planning for today to be a low key day.  

Since Dinoboy isn't feeling well we did a few things and school is pretty much out for the day (it's now 11:00am).  We did math, english, handwriting, and reading.  The weather is making this a coffee and books kind of day!  Dinoboy is actually taking a nap (so you KNOW he isn't feeling well!) and I'm thinking the rest of the day we'll read books and play games, after he wakes up.

Highlights of the day:
  • The hubby telling me that seeing me teach our boys was "heart warming".  He was going to say sexy but said that probably isn't the right word (haha).
  • Doing school work on the couch.
  • Drinking coffee all day:)
  • Superboy getting the hang of the days of the week!
  • Dinoboy has suddenly declared he wants to be a Marine Biologist!  Cracks me up!  His daddy went to school for Wildlife Biology;)
Math on the couch

Cozy?  Whatever works for my under the weather Dinoboy!

Superboy's "batman" tower

This is a game that Superboy loves to play!  I came up with it  one day for him.  I plan on expounding on it a little as the year goes on.   I made these number cards out of construction paper and use Cuisenaire Rods.  He matches the number of rods to the corresponding number on the card.  It's a great way to get him counting and recognizing the numbers:)  

Superboy counting:)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School On the Road Today (Day 3)

Wednesdays are probably going to be one of our favorite days of the week.  Superboy takes a speech class in the mornings so I do a few lessons with Dinoboy while we are waiting.  Today we did Bible, Handwriting and Spelling.  After he is done, we go to the library and get our books for the week.

So far, Dinoboy really enjoys bible, spelling, science and geography.  He does not enjoy math (which is funny because this is supposed to be his favorite), and writing ANYTHING!  He can take or leave english.  He just hates the writing.  He also loves to draw.

Math isn't really my favorite at the moment either (lol).  Which is probably why it's not his favorite!  I'm having a hard time decided exactly where to start.  Originally I started at the beginning, but it's a lot of lengthy review for him.  I want to do some review, but I don't think he/we can endure almost 4 weeks of it!  So, I'm going to begin to touch on each segment and move on.  Isn't this one of the reasons why I decided to home school?  Why am I making him endure weeks and weeks of constant review with frustration.  I've decided....LET'S MOVE ON! <------- After only 3 days;) lol

Tomorrow we are going to the MS Natural Science Museum so I'll have lots of fun pictures!  We've been many times before, but they enjoy it each time.  Tomorrow I'm hoping to bring to life some of the science terms we've been studying this week:  ecosystem, habitat, and niche.  I also, doubled up on some of our subjects so the next two days are light for us.  YAY HOME SCHOOL!

Highlights from today:

  • Doing school on the go!
  • We worked on our backyard habitat and the boys got to play with frogs....I mean toads:)
  • The flexibility of our school!!
  • I met another home school mom and her two boys today.  Her boys are very close to my boys' ages too.

PS-- I love home school, but most importantly my little treasures:)

*These pics aren't from today, but I love them:)  The bottom one is of an ear model we worked on right before we started school.  I love visual aids!  I want to find a way to use them every day!

Second Day

Well, today was our 2nd Day of School.  If the beginning of our day was any indicator of how the rest of how the rest of the day was going to go, I should have known it wasn't going to be as glorious as yesterday (ha).  I'm going to just blame it on Hurricane Isaac.  I think something is in the air effecting everyone's mood and listening skills.  Yes that's what it is....  It really wasn't TERRIBLE, but like I said, just not as glorious as yesterday.  Although we did finish sooner today than yesterday, so that's good.

Juggling two boys that are 3 years apart is a little tough.  Superboy is in PreK and has only done one year of mother's day out, so he's very GREEN.  He's learning a lot of basic skills like, the days of week, how to color in the lines, and writing his letters and numbers.  Today he was able to do more of these things.  It was a good day for him:)

Dinoboy, however, did a few years of mother's day out, PreK and went to Kindergarten and First Grade.  So, he is really in the process of being "unschooled".  He wants to dictate, a little, of what we do each day.  Which is OK to an extent.  He's learning that things are different at home.  We're also doing a little review work and he gets very bored with it.   I think once we get through the first week or so, we'll all know more of what to expect.

Overall, it wasn't a terrible day, but I'm looking forward to bedtime:)

Our "schedule" most days.  There are some exceptions.  Wednesday is normally school on the road!  We have a few appointments that day and we go to the library.


11:30-12:30 LUNCH (Superboy takes a nap around 12'ish.  I also read a bible story to them before nap time.)

12:30 Geography and/or Science (or any subject or work we haven't covered yet or any subject that I think may require a little more attention since Superboy is taking a nap.)

1:30 Finish- I like this time as a goal to finish school:)

Dinoboy also has a 15 minute reading time that he does.  Sometimes it's while I'm preparing lunch.  It can also be after we finish our lessons and I need him to do something besides watch TV!  He's really been enjoying The Complete Book of Animals for his reading time lately.  I'm also trying to implement a Book Basket that is filled with library books for them.

Superboy has worksheets he does during some of the subjects that he can't participate in.  I usually give him the same type of work as Dinoboy or I give him some constructive play.  Like, blocks, leggos, puzzles, etc.  He kinda comes and goes, but I direct him.

Please don't think I'm took strict on this schedule;)  It just helps to have it in place so the boys know what to expect.  I put our subjects on the board and erase them as we go through the day.

** Hey!  Leave me some comments!  I would love to hear from you!!**

P.S.  I love home school:)

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

The school year is off with a GREAT start!  Here are a few highlights from my day (in no particular order):

1.  Superboy LOVES to pray!  We start our day with prayer and bible time.  Nothing too complicated, but it starts us off right.  Superboy is always the first one to volunteer to pray.  He prays for everything and everyone.  Even his toys and puzzles:)

This is how Superboy works on his letters.  He actually did trace the  "A", but then coloring them seemed more fun!

2.  Dinoboy hates to write!  I mean HATES!  It was very encouraging today that he willingly wrote anything I needed him to and even asked for MORE spelling work!  He said it was fun!  As tempting as it was to let him keep going, I know him very well and I know he will get burnt out if I let him.  I told him that we had other work, but at the end of the day if he still wants to work on it, he could.  The pics below are during Spelling.

                                              A little chocolate milk helps;)

These pics are of Dinoboy.  We were taking a picture for his passport to go around the world this year in class!  I told him he couldn't smile.  This is him trying not to smile :)

3.  I love that I get "I love you Mommy" many times a day!  I'm prepared and know that there will probably be days where that won't be the case, but I think they will be few and far between;)  If anyone has ever doubted that children need a routine, you should come to my house.  My kids thrive on it!  When we don't have a routine (which was most of our summer), they fight more, whine more and I don't get as many "I love yous".  That's the truth.

I've set a few goals for this year.  None of which have too much to do with education.  I obviously want my children to learn, but through the teaching times and lessons I want them to learn more than just book and world knowledge.  Here they are:

1.  I want them to LOVE to learn!  I'm hoping to show them that learning isn't just school.  It's exploring and going on adventures.  It's watching a bee gather nectar in a flower.  It's showing your brother how to tie his shoe or learn his days of the week.  I don't want them to equate school with boring, but with exploring!

2.  I hope they begin to see that their brother is the best friend God gave them!  I tell them this all the time, but I'm hoping to see them playing together as friends this year.  They were playing together today and I heard Dinoboy tell Superboy "I love you" and of course Superboy said "I love you too:)".  I have to say, I didn't expect this on day 1!

3.  I'm looking forward to watching them learn scriptures and put them in their hearts and seeing them put them to practice.  My hope as a mom is to train them in this way before they are adults.  So that when they are grown men the first one they turn to for answers is the Lord, not just their parents and certainly not the world.  I'm looking forward to watching my little warriors learn to pray and fall more in love with Jesus!

These goals give me new energy and perspective when trying to teach them.  I know today is our first day of school, but don't we teach them everyday?  I try to keep my goals in front of my eyes and remind myself in the tougher situations what I'm really doing.  When one of them is being a little more difficult is it more important that he "finishes his work or else", or learns from how I react to him in the situation?  I don't always get this right...believe me!  I've learned to tell them I'm sorry and ask them to forgive me.  Hopefully this teaches them the flip side.  That even mommies and daddies get it wrong sometimes, but we're not too proud to ask for forgiveness.

What are your goals?  Even if you aren't a home school mom, what goals do you have for your children or for your family?  If you don't have them, I hope that you would pray about them and see where God leads you.  He cares about the smallest and the biggest parts of your life and wants to see you succeed in all areas!

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our first day of home school begins tomorrow!

This year we are using My Father's World's curriculum, Countries and Cultures, so naturally we have a world wall map.  My hubby was helping me hang it on the wall tonight when he said, "Well, I guess it's official.  We are home schooling."  I said, "No.  It was pretty much official when we hit 'purchase' on the curriculum!"  He agreed;)
If you come to my house it will feel a little bit like an elementary school room, these days.  We are using our breakfast nook as our school area right now.  I wanted to use an area in our house that we are naturally in most of the time.  That way if the boys are working on something and I need to step away for a moment, I'm not far away.  Plus, we don't really have an extra room at the moment so the decision was quite easy.
What does a home school home look like, you ask?  To give you an idea, a wall map now replaces a nice mirror that used to hang in my breakfast nook.  The walls are lined with cubbies filled with various books and craft supplies.  In my living room is another shelf that holds activities for Superboy to work on while Dinoboy does school work that he can't participate in.  My farm style table is now covered with a wipeable table cloth that is actually for Valentine's Day (hehe).  I have plans to replace that with something a little more neutral very soon.  I will also be getting a dry erase board soon that will join the wall map. There are a few little things that I want to add, but overall I'm pleased with how it's all coming together.  I was just thinking of how much color and life all of the school materials seem to add to our home!  
In case you are wondering what a home school mom does the night before school to prepare, I'll tell you what this mom did.  I sorted through markers, sharpened pencils, reread my lesson plans, watched a little Netflix with the hubby and typed this blog.  It's almost 11:30pm and I'm thinking I should probably add sleep to list.

Here's to a happy school year!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

As you know, I have 2 little boys.  Each one is totally different and unique from the other.  I love to watch them play and to play with them.  I wish I had little elves or maids around that could do all my other work so all I had to do was love on them, play with them and teach them.  Seriously...

Probably before I even had them I thought of what I would do for my kids for school.  I grew up in NC in an area where we had wonderful public schools.  It was almost unheard of for children to go to private school.  Or at least it was to me!  My husband grew up near Baton Rouge, LA and the public schools at his time of up bringing, were not good schools so he went to private christian school until he was in the fourth grade when he began home schooling.
When my children were born we lived near Baton Rouge and the schools in the area were actually good.  We ended up moving to an area of MS that has great public schools.  So when my oldest was going to begin Kindergarten he went to public school.  That's where he has been for the past 2 years.  The school and teachers are great, but at the beginning of each school year I'm reminded of the other choice. Home school.  This year it has been on my mind and heart almost constantly!  So much so I go to bed at night praying about it.  When I wake up and am getting him ready for school, I think about it.  When I'm doing homework and unfinished work with him, I think about it.  It is always on my mind! 
I just always had home schooling in the back of mind.  Almost on reserve just in case something happened or if I felt like God was leading us to do that.  I didn't actually think I would have to use it....or maybe I did.  I don't know.  I think I just had this fear that I wouldn't do a good job or I would some how damage my child.  There's also the desire to be like everyone else.  Not that I knew that I had that, but now that I look back it was just "normal" to send your child off to school, be on the PTO, go to the school functions, etc.  I'm not in any way criticizing this.  I'm just speaking from my own personal life experience. 
So, my husband and I began to really pray about it as an option for us.  I think when we first began talking about it, I think he thought that it was just another one of my phases and just as soon as one of the boys act up I'll decide fast against it.  Well I didn't.  The past few months I have not only been praying and talking with my husband, but asking my home school moms many questions.  I've read many books, checked out curricula, websites, etc.  and I've come to the conclusion that it's best for our family right now.  I'm don't know if we will always home school, but for the next school year at least we are.
What began the process was us thinking about what we were going to do for our youngest for school.  He has a seizure disorder that makes it difficult for him to play outside.  One of the main triggers is heat and sometimes sun light.  I just didn't want him to be the kid who can't play outside.  Not only that, but I can imagine how hard it would be for a 6 year old little boy to not play outside at school with his friends.  I know how hard it is now with him just being home!  We decided that we would home school him.  There were a series of events that began us thinking about home schooling Dinoboy as well.  I'll write about that in another post;)
One thing is for sure.  God is with us so we can not fail!  If He is for us, who can be against us?  He is and will always be my Rock.  Each day I will pray for wisdom on how to best teach my boys and what He wants them to learn.  Not just what is in our curriculum (even though I love it!).  I pray that they learn about God and His love for them and how to have Godly character as a child.  Our goal as parents is to raise Godly young men above all else.  Everything else will fall into place.  That is my reminder for this school year.
Be encouraged if you are praying about a major decision in your life.  God is there to guide you and give you wisdom in each area of your life.  Pray and He will guide you.  He never fails:)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Let Him Off the Hook

Does anyone else do this?  Each Valentine's Day, and Anniversary I anxiously await to see what my husband has planned for us.  Some times (often) he actually does plan something very sweet and out of the box.  Other times, finances may be tight or there has been a lot going on, so nothing really gets planned.  Ok...before you feel sorry for me, let me get to the point....
First of all, my husband is AMAZING! I love him more and more everyday.  I don't know too many people that are as blessed as I am with such an amazing man.  What I want to do today is give you another perspective.  Why do we expect so much out of our husbands?  Why do we expect them to go to the extremes for us ladies, while we do little to nothing?  Yes, I normally will do something for him, but nothing like what I expect him to do for me.  You know, flowers, a nice evening out, a gift or some combination of that.  Who doesn't really want to be knocked out of their socks and surprised with something really special?
Have you ever planned anything really special for your spouse or significant other?  I mean, really planned something?  This year for Valentine's Day I am determined to not only plan something really special for him, but totally not expect anything in return.  I've been working on some fun things and reading old love letters that we wrote to each other while we were dating.  I am more excited for Valentine's this year than I have been in a long time and it's not because I'm expecting anything.  It's because I am so excited to surprise my husband with something he is not expecting. 
So, let's let our husbands/boyfriends off the hook!  Really plan something special for him and see how much more in love you fall with him.  I can guarantee you that you will be more excited about giving than receiving.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Small things = Big things for others

The simple act of playing outside seems like something to not be grateful for for most people.  That's just what kids do, right?  Well, for Superboy that isn't always the case, but for the past two days he's gotten to.  It warms my heart to see him running, picking "flowers", looking for bugs, etc. with out having a seizure or "head drops".  So, today, I am thankful for the small things.  Some times something that is small, is actually something big for others.

Be thankful for those small things in your life.  You never know how major they are for someone else.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This seems to be a pretty big thing or fad that's going around now....recycling.

My husband has deemed me silly for doing this. He even said, "What?  Are you trying to be the new Erin Brockovich or something?"  Nope, but I love...and I do mean love, finding new purpose for things.  Yes, it's good for the environment...blah blah...but it's even better for my budget!haha

Here are some things I've recycled or up-cycled;)

1. Plastic Water bottles:  This is a new one for me.  I don't want you to think I'm a "pack rat" or anything. I'm really not!  My oldest son's birthday is coming up and I have some uses for them.  The orange juice bottle I'm going to reuse to either hold the juice I'll be serving them or some candy or something. I'm not sure yet.  The other bottles I'm either going to use to hold party favors or for them to drink out of.  If I do that they'll have bright colored straws with them.  We'll see...

2. Mason Jars and other containers:  I save many of our spaghetti jars and other containers.  They can be used for so many things!  On the left is an old spaghetti jar turned colored pencil holder.  In the middle was a hot chocolate container and the one of the right is a tin that I lost the lid to.  It now holds crayons.  I decoupaged them using scrapbook paper and mod podge glue.  I'll probably add some things to them eventually.  I just don't know exactly what yet;) 
I'm working on an art and work space for us in our breakfast nook right now.  This sits on top of what was my dresser. Now it's a buffet table/sideboard.  It holds books, puzzles, and other arts and crafts. 

3. Books:  Below is a picture of a cross wall hanging I made using an old book I picked up at the Goodwill store.  I know...I know....all you book lovers (and I'm one) are gasping!  I flipped through the book some to be sure it wasn't something brilliant.  I mean...I'm sure the author thought it was and it may have been...but you know;)  Now it has another purpose:)

4. Tree Branches: I LOVE decorating with tree branches!  I've used them on my mantel, in my Christmas tree, and just about anywhere else I feel like;)  They can even be spray painted!  I want to get a bigger branch, spray paint it white, and put in a nice planter in my living room or master bedroom eventually;)

5. Fabric:  Old T-shirts, jeans, and other worn out clothes..I save it!  I've used it to make fabric rosettes, scarves, and decor around my house.

6. Buttons:  I save buttons off of clothes that have been dedicated to "file 13" and all extra buttons that come with clothes (ie. jackets, button down shirts, etc.)

7.  Make what you already have into what you WANT:
The next one is probably considered upcycling.  I have a dear friend that is extremely awesome at this and so I followed in her footsteps.  Thanks know who you are;);)
I've been wanting to have a collage of mirrors so this is the beginning.  Mirrors aren't usually cheap, or at least the ones I always seem to want aren't.  So, I took the ones I already had and painted them white.  I don't necessarily want all of them on this wall to be the same color, but for this purpose I did.  This actually was in my bedroom, but I moved it here for Christmas.  And so it remains;)  
You see there are more branches here as well.  I felt like it kinda tied in my mantel.  What do you think?

Below: Buffet table decor in my dining area.

 Below: Mantel (with another book wreath I made)


I know I probably have more I've done.  I just can't think of it right now;)  When I do I'm sure I'll post  
So look around your house before you go out and buy something new!  You may just a hidden treasure and find you actually have what you've been looking for :):)