
Sunday, February 20, 2011

....of a Worship Leader

Today was such a great Sunday at Highland Chapel! It really was! I can see how God is moving in our church.  Not just in numbers (even though it's incredibly awesome to see the church grow!), but I can see it in many other areas.  One of which is worship.  Each Sunday I come to church expecting God to show up and meet us there.  He's our Daddy and WANTS to be with us so why not expect Him to show up?  He comes because He loves us, because He desires to be with us probably more than we desire to be with Him.  Isn't that a crazy intense thought?  That the creator of the UNIVERSE desires US...desires YOU!? 
We did a new song this morning.  Hillsong's "The Greatness of Our God".  For me the song is a prayer.  If you truly sing the lyrics and mean them...WOW...God shows up!  The chorus gets me every time:
"..And no sky contains, no doubt restrains all you are.  The greatness of our God!  I spend my life to know and I'm far from close to all you are.  The greatness of our God!"  The second chorus speaks of how no words can say and no song convey all He is, the greatness of our God! It's so true!  I try to write about how great our Lord is, but there truly aren't enough words to describe Him! 
I love to see the peoples faces in worship.  Some raise there hands, some clap, and some it's simply an expression.  Worship isn't just outward, but it's mostly an inward expression to the Lord.  If you raise your hands but don't mean the worship in your heart then what good was it to raise them?  We raise our hands as an outward expression to God.  That we surrender to Him and are in complete awe of Him.  If we raise our hands with out the meaning (true worship) behind it, it's more for us than for Him.  I dance because that's all I can do to contain myself of the love I feel for our Father. Not because I'm a good dancer (lol).   It's exciting to serve Him and to worship Him!  These are things I remind myself often.  I pray for God to use me and to work through me.  I honestly don't want to be seen.  I want God to be seen and heard.  This is my heart's cry anytime I sing a note.  I want to encourage others to worship Him with their whole heart and life!
As I said before, church was great today.  It was great because Jesus came and loved on us.  He came and changed lives.  There were 145 of us worshiping God today.  Some adults, some little people, but we were all worshiping Him....our creator:)

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." John 4:23

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