Still adj
1. Free of sound.
2. Low in sound; hushed or subdued.
3. Not moving or in motion.
4. Free from disturbance, agitation, or commotion.
5. Free from a noticeable current:I was up early this morning and this thought went through my head. To "be still and know that I am God". This verse often will come to me when I'm trying to make a decision or when facing a difficult situation. This time though I felt like God may have been trying to tell me to stop talking and listen! Not about anything in particular that I know of, but in general. Just listen. Listen to Him most importantly, but to listen to those around me. Pay attention! I think He's trying to tell me.
I immediately thought of my kids. This happens all the time now that I'm a parent. God often will tell me things in relation to my most current life situation. You know when you're trying to tell your child something be it an important life lesson or just simple instruction, if they aren't looking at you you know they aren't listening? I think it's the same between us and God. He's constantly trying to tell us instruction, trying to love on us, trying to teach us something, but are we looking at Him? Most of the time we are probably like a child wanting to go on to the next thing or at something "more entertaining". You know what I'm talking about. We feel God nudging us to Him, but we are too busy. Too busy watching our show, or too busy playing. I'm not trying to condemn. I'm really talking to myself! (ha) From my experience God just wants US! He longs for our attention so He can whisper things to us to help us on this life journey. I'm reminded of another verse 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray with out ceasing" or "Pray continually". How can we possibly do that?! I don't think that God really expects us to sit and pray all day. He knows that we live in a world and that we have responsibilities. I do believe, however, that He wants our attention....our hearts....a relationship with us. Maybe instead of thinking of randomness or things we shouldn't be thinking about, speak to Him. It doesn't have to be aloud all the time. Just give your thoughts to Him. Give a little more of your attention to Him today and see what happens. You may just find yourself praying continually....talking a little less... being still and finding God.