I've been wanting to write about this for a while now, but at the same time been putting it off. Even now I don't know exactly where to start or what to even call this article. I could call it many things:
A Day In the Life
...of a Mom
...of a heart sick Mom
...of praying for a miracle
...of answered prayers
And the list goes on.
Today I was reminded of the hope that I'm clinging to. Not that I really need reminding because I think of it almost daily. I don't necessarily think of the "issue" but of the promise God gave me daily. If I dwell on the "issue" I will be faced with fear, worry, doubt and drive myself nuts! If I dwell on the promise daily I am filled with hope, peace, joy and understanding.
I've recently been seeing this quote EVERYWHERE and wondered why I kept seeing it? I hold as a general rule that when I hear or see something repetitively there is a reason. It's usually something that God is trying to tell me. (You know, because I'm hard headed and need to hear everything a million times some times!) The quote is from Reinhard Bonnke "Fear is the dark room where negative thoughts are developed." Think about that for a second. You know that thing you worry about often? You know how if you dwell on that for too long it's like you've actually stepped into a room? Doesn't that quote make a lot of sense now? The room you step into is fear and from there you begin to actually develop (like film) negative thoughts. From there the "what ifs" occur and the anxiety takes over.
Let's look at the other side though. What happens if you actually choose to focus on Jesus and the promises He's given you for the situation? There's a whole other room for that! A much, much better room. It's called peace. In this room pictures aren't developed, but taken! In this room you capture images of the future and the plans He has for you. The Word says He has plans to prosper you and to give you hope for the future. When you step into peace you begin to see images of this future. Snap shots are taken and are developed in faith. When you are walking in faith you'll begin to see those snap shots that the Lord gave you become reality.
Right now I'm reminding myself of the snap shots gave me for my little boy (Superboy). In January God read my heart and gave me these verses.
Psalm 6:6-9
"I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears. My vision is blurred by grief; my eyes are worn out because of all my enemies. Go away, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer."
These verses described exactly how I was feeling. I would find myself crying at night often. No one in the whole world knew, not even my husband. God knew. He heard my cries even when I often felt like He didn't. In my "knower" (as some say) I knew He was there and was with me. I knew it was true, but in those times I was entering the darkroom. Peace gets snuffed out in there and faith is trampled on. When I read His Word the light was turned on and I entered peace. Now I have snap shots of Ian not having seizures and not taking medicine. Snap shots of him playing outside in any temperature and me not being concerned that a seizure could occur. I know that these snap shots aren't just a fairy tale but a reality that is present. I know that the Lord has heard my prayers over the last 3 years and is answering them. I have a peace that I can not describe and it all comes from Him.
If you find yourself worrying about things, turn to Jesus. Open the Bible and begin to read it. He will give you a promise to stand on that will get you out of the darkroom. He'll give you a firm foundation to stand through the storm and strength to move a mountain. You'll begin to see those snap snots revealed to you and soon they'll become living images before you.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
....of a talker
"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
Still adj
I was up early this morning and this thought went through my head. To "be still and know that I am God". This verse often will come to me when I'm trying to make a decision or when facing a difficult situation. This time though I felt like God may have been trying to tell me to stop talking and listen! Not about anything in particular that I know of, but in general. Just listen. Listen to Him most importantly, but to listen to those around me. Pay attention! I think He's trying to tell me.
I immediately thought of my kids. This happens all the time now that I'm a parent. God often will tell me things in relation to my most current life situation. You know when you're trying to tell your child something be it an important life lesson or just simple instruction, if they aren't looking at you you know they aren't listening? I think it's the same between us and God. He's constantly trying to tell us instruction, trying to love on us, trying to teach us something, but are we looking at Him? Most of the time we are probably like a child wanting to go on to the next thing or at something "more entertaining". You know what I'm talking about. We feel God nudging us to Him, but we are too busy. Too busy watching our show, or too busy playing. I'm not trying to condemn. I'm really talking to myself! (ha) From my experience God just wants US! He longs for our attention so He can whisper things to us to help us on this life journey. I'm reminded of another verse 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray with out ceasing" or "Pray continually". How can we possibly do that?! I don't think that God really expects us to sit and pray all day. He knows that we live in a world and that we have responsibilities. I do believe, however, that He wants our attention....our hearts....a relationship with us. Maybe instead of thinking of randomness or things we shouldn't be thinking about, speak to Him. It doesn't have to be aloud all the time. Just give your thoughts to Him. Give a little more of your attention to Him today and see what happens. You may just find yourself praying continually....talking a little less... being still and finding God.
Still adj
1. Free of sound.
2. Low in sound; hushed or subdued.
3. Not moving or in motion.
4. Free from disturbance, agitation, or commotion.
5. Free from a noticeable current:I was up early this morning and this thought went through my head. To "be still and know that I am God". This verse often will come to me when I'm trying to make a decision or when facing a difficult situation. This time though I felt like God may have been trying to tell me to stop talking and listen! Not about anything in particular that I know of, but in general. Just listen. Listen to Him most importantly, but to listen to those around me. Pay attention! I think He's trying to tell me.
I immediately thought of my kids. This happens all the time now that I'm a parent. God often will tell me things in relation to my most current life situation. You know when you're trying to tell your child something be it an important life lesson or just simple instruction, if they aren't looking at you you know they aren't listening? I think it's the same between us and God. He's constantly trying to tell us instruction, trying to love on us, trying to teach us something, but are we looking at Him? Most of the time we are probably like a child wanting to go on to the next thing or at something "more entertaining". You know what I'm talking about. We feel God nudging us to Him, but we are too busy. Too busy watching our show, or too busy playing. I'm not trying to condemn. I'm really talking to myself! (ha) From my experience God just wants US! He longs for our attention so He can whisper things to us to help us on this life journey. I'm reminded of another verse 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray with out ceasing" or "Pray continually". How can we possibly do that?! I don't think that God really expects us to sit and pray all day. He knows that we live in a world and that we have responsibilities. I do believe, however, that He wants our attention....our hearts....a relationship with us. Maybe instead of thinking of randomness or things we shouldn't be thinking about, speak to Him. It doesn't have to be aloud all the time. Just give your thoughts to Him. Give a little more of your attention to Him today and see what happens. You may just find yourself praying continually....talking a little less... being still and finding God.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
....of a Worship Leader
Today was such a great Sunday at Highland Chapel! It really was! I can see how God is moving in our church. Not just in numbers (even though it's incredibly awesome to see the church grow!), but I can see it in many other areas. One of which is worship. Each Sunday I come to church expecting God to show up and meet us there. He's our Daddy and WANTS to be with us so why not expect Him to show up? He comes because He loves us, because He desires to be with us probably more than we desire to be with Him. Isn't that a crazy intense thought? That the creator of the UNIVERSE desires US...desires YOU!?

"..And no sky contains, no doubt restrains all you are. The greatness of our God! I spend my life to know and I'm far from close to all you are. The greatness of our God!" The second chorus speaks of how no words can say and no song convey all He is, the greatness of our God! It's so true! I try to write about how great our Lord is, but there truly aren't enough words to describe Him!
I love to see the peoples faces in worship. Some raise there hands, some clap, and some it's simply an expression. Worship isn't just outward, but it's mostly an inward expression to the Lord. If you raise your hands but don't mean the worship in your heart then what good was it to raise them? We raise our hands as an outward expression to God. That we surrender to Him and are in complete awe of Him. If we raise our hands with out the meaning (true worship) behind it, it's more for us than for Him. I dance because that's all I can do to contain myself of the love I feel for our Father. Not because I'm a good dancer (lol). It's exciting to serve Him and to worship Him! These are things I remind myself often. I pray for God to use me and to work through me. I honestly don't want to be seen. I want God to be seen and heard. This is my heart's cry anytime I sing a note. I want to encourage others to Him...to worship Him with their whole heart and life!
As I said before, church was great today. It was great because Jesus came and loved on us. He came and changed lives. There were 145 of us worshiping God today. Some adults, some little people, but we were all worshiping Him....our creator:)
"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." John 4:23
Friday, February 4, 2011
.....of a beach lovin' lady:)
We recently went to Florida for a mini beach trip. It was originally just so my hubby could measure a house for cabinets, but we ended up using it as a little family get away. It really was a lot of fun! Even though it was January and 50 something degrees.
We stayed in a cute little place near Rosemary Beach. I loved the way they decorated the place! It was very simple but it made me want to go home and redecorate my house! I was so inspired. Not just by the condo but by the whole area! I took home lots of mental pictures;)
On Sunday we took the boys down to the beach in Seaside. Of course there wasn't hardly anyone there. The ones that WERE there looked at us like we were crazy! Why? Because our 3 year old decided it would be a good idea to go swimming..lol It started out by me telling him to come put his feet in the water. One thing led to another and he was asking me to take off his clothes! Of course I didn't..lol Our oldest, Dinoboy, even got in on the action, but he was mostly interested in flying his kite with my hubby. He's been wanting a kite and waiting for the day we had some wind to fly one! He had such a great time:)
We stayed in a cute little place near Rosemary Beach. I loved the way they decorated the place! It was very simple but it made me want to go home and redecorate my house! I was so inspired. Not just by the condo but by the whole area! I took home lots of mental pictures;)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Just to start....
Ok...so I've decided to blog. Most of my entries will probably be randomness so bare with me. I'm kinda a random kinda girl;) Hopefully my entries will either a) make you laugh b) encourage you or c) possibly make you think a little. Either way, I hope you like it! This one will probably make you laugh;)
It's the beginning of a new year so like most of the world I decided to make some resolutions. I'm kinda funny about sharing them because you really have to stick to them then, right? (haha) Anyway, a few weeks ago if you would've asked me my resolutions I would not have said what I'm about to admit to you. I want to run a 5K this year. I know if my sister is reading this she is laughing her tail off, but it's true. I've never been much of a runner or athlete for that matter. Yea, I cheered but I was mostly a choir/orchestra geek as kid. Oddly enough I married someone who is pretty athletic (lol). It's actually pretty great! He really encourages me to go for it and knows what he's talking about. I appreciate him so much! Anyway, I got kinda into trying to run last year, but it ended shortly after it got to be 900 degrees! I'm not so blessed to have a treadmill....yet. I really did enjoy it! Plus I lost 20 lbs! That's enough to get me back out there if nothing else! So, a friend of mine asked me to join her and some other girls for a 5K in February. I was like, "What?! I haven't ran since June!" lol It got me thinking and now I'm on a journey to accomplish this goal. I'm hoping to do it in April and I think I have some friends to do it with me. I may do the one in February, but I know I won't be able to run the whole thing;)
Day 1: I downloaded the Couch to 5K app...which I LOVE! It's basically interval training and it builds weekly. There's even a "trainer" that tells you when to run and when to walk. It's great! All while I listen to my music! Can you tell I like it? ;) The run went well. This weeks interval is 5 min warm up- 1 min jog - 2 min walk (repeat for 20 min) and 5 min cool down. It felt great to get at it again! I'm really looking forward to conquering my giant!
Day 2: Is coming soon.... hopefully tomorrow;)
It's the beginning of a new year so like most of the world I decided to make some resolutions. I'm kinda funny about sharing them because you really have to stick to them then, right? (haha) Anyway, a few weeks ago if you would've asked me my resolutions I would not have said what I'm about to admit to you. I want to run a 5K this year. I know if my sister is reading this she is laughing her tail off, but it's true. I've never been much of a runner or athlete for that matter. Yea, I cheered but I was mostly a choir/orchestra geek as kid. Oddly enough I married someone who is pretty athletic (lol). It's actually pretty great! He really encourages me to go for it and knows what he's talking about. I appreciate him so much! Anyway, I got kinda into trying to run last year, but it ended shortly after it got to be 900 degrees! I'm not so blessed to have a treadmill....yet. I really did enjoy it! Plus I lost 20 lbs! That's enough to get me back out there if nothing else! So, a friend of mine asked me to join her and some other girls for a 5K in February. I was like, "What?! I haven't ran since June!" lol It got me thinking and now I'm on a journey to accomplish this goal. I'm hoping to do it in April and I think I have some friends to do it with me. I may do the one in February, but I know I won't be able to run the whole thing;)
Day 1: I downloaded the Couch to 5K app...which I LOVE! It's basically interval training and it builds weekly. There's even a "trainer" that tells you when to run and when to walk. It's great! All while I listen to my music! Can you tell I like it? ;) The run went well. This weeks interval is 5 min warm up- 1 min jog - 2 min walk (repeat for 20 min) and 5 min cool down. It felt great to get at it again! I'm really looking forward to conquering my giant!
Day 2: Is coming soon.... hopefully tomorrow;)
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