I love the way the Lord speaks to us. He's very gentle and you may not even realize that it is him speaking and leading you until you look back. I was facing a challenge with my younger son this week and sensed him leading me through it. In the moment when I would usually start to panic or get worried, he reminded me of what faith is. Faith is resting in the knowing that he is God and that he will do what he says. A lot of times I think we think that faith is just praying and believing that he hears our prayers....but then we pray and nothing changes.....so we pray again....and again....and again...and then we get worried and scared. Instead of just resting.
1. cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
2. place hope, trust, or confidence on or in
I don't know if you are a parent yet, but I am. So I will tell you that one thing that if one of my sons needs something, I am going to do everything I can to get it for him. If he is sick or hurt, I will help him. There is no "maybe" in my response. I believe it's the same with our Heavenly Father. If we are hurting, sick or are in need, he will respond. It just may not be in the way or time we want it. We just have to trust him (rest) and seek him through that time in our lives. Just like a child we want things now. My boys will ask me for all kinds of things, but sometimes they just can't have what they want at that exact moment. So, I say, " Wait...I will do it, but now's not the time". Since they are children they continue to ask, many times, and my answer is still the same. Then, when the time is right, I'm there to give them what they were asking for. Then, I tell them, "See. I told you that I was going to do it and I did. You just needed to wait. Mommy will always do what she says she's going to do, but you just have to be patient.". I don't know why God has us wait sometimes and other times he performs instant miracles. The only answer I have is because he is God and he knows what is best for us in that moment. Ultimately, I want him to be glorified! If that means I have to wait a little longer for a miracle, so be it. In the mean time, I will REST...I will BE STILL ...and I will WORSHIP him like never before! He is my God and everything in this world belongs to him. It's all about him :)
If you are facing a tough situation, continue to pray, but instead of praying and then worrying, pray, believe, rest, trust, worship and love him. Just like with my boys, I never left them. I was right there with them in the waiting. He is with you in your waiting :)spotify:track:56RoIFalf4p411CeMbsoyM